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Conferences & Keynotes

Conferences & Keynotes

Conferences & Keynotes
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Royal College of Paediatricians (RCPCH) Annual Conference: Digital technologies and emerging harms

Royal College of Paediatricians (RCPCH) Annual Conference: Digital technologies and emerging harms

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The Clinical Manifestations of Technological Failures, CyberMed Summit

The Clinical Manifestations of Technological Failures, CyberMed Summit

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Tech-abuse, Medjacking & AI Harms

Tech-abuse, Medjacking & AI Harms

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Presentations & Keynotes

A selection of presentations and panel discussions, including lectures, workshops, and a copy of my PhD Viva titled "Quantitative Ethics in Healthcare Artificial Intelligence". Please reach out via the Contact page for speaking requests.

Upcoming Talks:

  • "Autopsies with embedded devices & connected intelligent medical technologies". The 2024 Intelligence, Internet & Investigations (III) Virtual Conference, London/Online, (November 2024).

  • "Medjacking & digitally-mediated deaths: A primer for major crime investigators & law enforcement officials". Major Crime Investigative Support, Development Day. England/Online, (November 2024).

Previous Highlight Talks

  • “Examining the risks of AI-Enhanced Harms, AI Jailbreaks & Tech-Abuse in Clinical Settings”. UK Refuge Tech Summit: 2024: Leading the Change Against Technology-Facilitated Abuse London, UK. September 2024.

  • “Small choices, global repercussions: a tabletop exercise about decision-making in healthcare cybersecurity”. Workshop Leader, DEFCON Tabletop on Healthcare Cybersecurity & AI, Las Vegas, USA, August 2024.

  • “Safeguarding patients from technology-facilitated violence and abuse: International and humanitarian challenges”. One hour presentation for the Global Webinar Series at the United Nations UNFPA Technical Division, “Tech at the intersection of SRHR, GBV and HP”. May 2023. 

  • “Algorithmic discrimination and AI Bias in Healthcare”. Contemporary Debates in Bioethics, Institute of Bioethics, University of Basel, Switzerland. November 2023.

  • “All information should be free (except for the brain data you wanted to keep inside your head - The Cybersecurity of Deep Brain Stimulators”. DEFCON Homecoming, Biohacking Village, August 2022.

Educational Seminars

Medical Unit Meeting (MUM), Homerton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, North London

Medical Unit Meetings (MUM) are a hospital-wide event for healthcare professional staff to attend and learn about important topics in clinical practice. As part of an initiative to educate practitioners on patient presentations related to technology, I gave the MUM talk at the Homerton Hospital. The topic covered the topics of technology-facilitated abuse, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the cybersecurity of medical technologies. 

Conference Presentations

The Brain Conference: Machine learning in Neurology (March 2023)​, “When brain implants go wrong: the cybersecurity of implanted and interconnected medical technologies”. An international conference focused on Machine Learning Neurology. 15 minute joint talk with Associate Professor Mandalari.

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Image by Claudio Schwarz

Doctoral Research &
PHD Viva

UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK

Highlights from my PhD viva, detailing my research into issues of bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI) used in healthcare. My research comprised of both a sociological arm and a computational arm, in which I designed machine learning experiments for AI fairness based on insights derived from an anthropological evaluation of the roots of AI Bias in medicine. Computational methods spanned the latest ML fairness techniques, adversarial training, representational learning and causal ML approaches.

Poster Presentations & Workshops

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